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  • hannahfaoilean

Mirelda's Journey - Will her herbs heal her mistakes? And her heart?

Updated: Dec 28, 2022


Once upon a time, a girl found a princess trapped inside a wolf and rescued her. and unleashed a monster.

This YA Fantasy, WOLF BLIND is my first novel, and it's been a learning-curve journey. I structured it, wrote it, sent it out to beta-readers (after edits), re-edited based on comments. Then I sent it to agents. Rejections followed, some with very nice comments, but it wasn't winning them over.

Then I watched a youtube video: Karl Iglesias (screenwriter) talking about plotting do's and pitfalls. A penny dropped. I had written a meander into the story-line which made sense once it joined to the main plot-line but not if readers gave up because the story didn't seem to be going forward. I knew I had to lose the meander and re-structure

then continuity edit so as not to refer to anything that wasn't there anymore.

Two months later, it is done and going back out to beta readers.

Hard work as it is, I really believe in Mirelda's story. I want to get it right and get it out into the world.

September 2021: Having taken account of beta-reader comments, and changed my computer, as my last one died (luckily, I had saved all my work), I am finally at the point of submitting to agents.

On the subject of submissions, this is my third-round attempt. I first submitted a not as polished (though I didn't realise it at the time) adult version and received a couple of nice, personalised feedbacks amongst 16 rejections or no replies. Feedback from a Grindstone literary competition plus members of Litopia on-line writing colony, which I joined after round-one, resulted in my re-working the novel for YA. I gave it a new title and sent it out . . . more nice, personalised feedback among 16 rejections or no replies.

Then came my eye-opener from the youtube video (as above) and another re-write. Feedback-comments from a WriteMentor competition made me change the title again.

So, hear we go, WOLF BLIND is setting off on its submission journey. Wish me luck!

May 2022: I took part in the #WMPitch tweet pitch competition and received an agent "like". Now **historical moment for me** I have received a FULL MS request! Did I say wish me luck before? Wish me even more luck now!

December 2022: Well, *sigh*, my FULL received a rejection. BUT. Good News! I entered yet another revised version into the Chimera Fantasy Awards and am shortlisted! That definitely places me on rung three of this snakes-and-ladders publishing journey. I find out 31st January whether I get placed in the top three. All my fingers and toes will stay firmly crossed until then.

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